From the Inlander: "Central Washington: epicenter of world-changing technology or ground zero for Bitcoin's epic fail"

"America's best read urban weekly" goes deep into bitcoin operations in central Washington in this very well-written article. Quoting Malachi Salcido, Mike Cooney, Denton Meier and other players in the region, it dives into the pros and cons, opportunities and responsibilities of operators and suppliers in this industry. In this region of cheap power and wild lands, governments and infrastructure feel the tension between of boom/bust possibility and responsible stewardship of resources, community, safety and new possibilities. Don't miss this well-written article:

Central Washington Jurisdictions Call 'Time Out' On Bitcoin Boom

NW News Networks reports on Central WA cities and counties placing emergency zoning controls and moratoriums on cryptocurrency operations.

A preemptive move for the sake of safety and accurate planning, these decisions impact the plans of current and would-be bitcoin mining operations in the area, and could send the business to other regions.

Read the full article for more insight on how this could affect the region's citizens, infrastructure and economy.

Malachi Salcido interview on bitcoin technology, power consumption and more

Malachi Salcido goes on air with Michael Knight of News Radio 560 KPQ, discussing bitcoin past, present and future … and its impacts on markets locally, regionally and globally. Learn how public utility and power companies are working with the industry in the Pacific Northwest and along the West Coast … and what the future of bitcoin and blockchain technology may look like in the months and years ahead.

Bitcoin Mining Is Getting Bigger (and Bigger)

Power prices are affecting where the power players run their mines, and bitcoin miners are moving to where the power is cheapest (and regulations are friendly). Bitcoin mining consumes so much energy that this Morgan Stanley report estimates it will exceed that of an actual country. For the full scoop, read this well-written article (which includes a comparison to bitcoin mining energy consumption compared to energy consumption by electric cars) by Monica Savaglia on

From Small Washington Town is Becoming a Bitcoin Mining Epicenter's Cindy Wang picks up on the story of Wenatchee's bitcoin mining activity. From the article:

"'We’ve come from just a few people out there who have been knocking on the door to all of a sudden to people who are banging on the door pretty loudly.'

Bitcoin mining is known to be energy-consuming. But miners here appear not to have this problem. Power is extremely cheap for the town— only 2 to 3 cents per kilowatt hour."

CNBC Visits Salcido Enterprises to Report on Bitcoin Mining in Wenatchee

CNBC was here January 11, 2018 to interview Malachi Salcido of Salcido Enterprises, Ron Cridlebaugh from the Port of Douglas County, and Steve Wright of Chelan County PUD. We posted videos in earlier posts, now here's a behind-the-scenes look at what happens during a nationally-broadcast interview:

From CNBC: Cryptocurrency mining puts electrical grid 'to the test'

Michelle Caruso-Cabrera interviews Port of Douglas economic development Ron Cridlebaugh on the impacts of Bitcoin mining in Douglas County, WA. From the article:

  • "Our infrastructure is actually being put to the test. We're full," said Ron Cridlebaugh, the Port of Douglas County economic development manager.
  • Cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and ripple have skyrocketed in value recently. Many people have been trying to get in on the action.
  • Mining digital currencies requires a lot of electrical power as computers process gargantuan amounts of data.